Christmas has come and gone. We had a great time up north. The weather was a little too mild, which restricted us from skating on the river. It's beautiful country up there in Wilberforce.
As usual, the food was tasty and filling.
 The youngest two got what they were hoping for.
Lots of "Barbie Pegasus" and "My Little Pony".
I got some much needed new shoes, some track pants and a sweat top, a little cash, and the DOOM 3 PC game, and a honking big Toblerone bar! Tonight the year turns yet again. 2006! I wonder what it will bring. Any resolutions I make will probably fall by the wayside (most people don't last past January 30th with their resolutions).
Happy New Year everyone!
Whoa! It's been awhile. I knew I'd left this sitting for a long time, but JULY! Wow. Let's see...What's happened since then? I'm a year older. Big whoop.
Work is changing. I think for the better. There are many layoffs looming, however, I think I won't be a part of it. Of course, as soon as I say it, that's when the axe will fall. :-( Things just seem more prevalent in our area. There seems to be better direction and a bit of a buzz, even if it isn't all positive. Our work conditions have changed also. We can now spend 50% of our time out of the office. Less commuting will make me happy, especially looking at the 3.5 hours it took me to get home in the snow last night. I don't have a permanent office anymore, but that suits me fine, too. I will have to learn to survive without the masses of paper I'm used to having on my desk. I think it will force me to summarize things more thoroughly, because I won't have that report sitting on my desk I can just pick up to reference when needed.
We found out my Mom has breast cancer. That was a real downer. Now that she's had the tests and been through a couple of chemo treatments, I think we all feel better. She is responding very well to the treatments and the prognosis is favourable. The whole family is looking forward to a complete recovery in the new year. She's too tough a lady to let this stop her. Go Mom!
I picked up the game F.E.A.R. for my birthday. I haven't put a great deal of time into it, but the time I have spent, I've enjoyed. It's challenging enough, for both me and my computer.
We finally got another van this past weekend. The one we had was stolen a while back and written off by the insurance. There wasn't too much wrong with it, but the insurance company didn't want to take chances. We passed on a couple of other vans and ended up with a '97 Pontiac Montana. It is in excellent condition.
Christmas is right around the corner, and I still haven't bought a thing. Luckily, my saint of a wife covers all that. I just have to buy for her, and pick up a few gift cards for some of the older kids on the list. Shopping time = 2 hours.
Answering Desiree in "It's Been Ages": I was going to post the license plates here complete with the dumb things the drivers were doing. However, I decided to scrap that idea. It became a bit of a chore to get the plates and write down what was happening and remain a sensible driver myself. Suffice it to say, there are a good many impatient drivers out there. There is a website for entering plates and comments: Above average drivers.
QUOTE "it is reaffirming how wonderful life is now way past all that."
You are so right!!
The retreat was great again this year. No singing this year though. We went somewhere else in Collingwood. Fun times.
I have been reading some blogs on and off even though I haven't been writing in this one. There are so many sites now. Getting through the dribble is the challenging part. I hope the schools begin to emphasize grammar and spelling again because what I can see is not too encouraging for the next generations. I'm not perfect by any means, but the next generation doesn't seem to have a clue, or care about it.
Until next time...adiĆ³s mis amigos.
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