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    One Canadian Voice
    Games, Politics, Religion, Life.
    Monday, July 19, 2004

    Two movies 

    I watched a couple of movies over the weekend, Cold Mountain and The Butterfly Effect.
    First, Cold Mountain.  On the surface, it looked like a movie I wouldn't enjoy too much.  A love story about a Civil War soldier trying to get back to his true love.   Blech! 
    This movie, however went further than just the love story.  It had enough action and altercations and villains to keep me interested for the the entire 152 minutes.  There are some more brutal scenes one should expect for the times the film portrays, but I've certainly seen worse.  The acting is very good.  Renee Zellweger certainly deserved the best supporting actress nomination for this.  I haven't seen the other candidates' movies, so I can't comment on whether or not she should have won.  This movie is the "perfect" movie for satisfying the chick film content we must regularly endure in our relationships.  It has the love story but enough action to not fall asleep.

    The Butterfly Effect was of interest to see if Ashton Kutcher could pull of a more serious role.  He does!  The movie was, to me, intriguing.  It is somewhat familiar content, what happens to the present when you change the past.  That concept has been done before.  The way it was done here was more intriguing because it involved psychology and the workings of the human mind, something I have always found interesting.   The movie is average at best, but if you like the twists and turns that going back and forth in time typically presents, you'll like it.

    posted at 7/19/2004 08:23:00 AM by Megadeath

    Monday, July 12, 2004

    Fahrenheit 9/11 - Another (re)view. 

    So, in the office today I overhear a "glowing" review of Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11. It's not the first, and I admit the topic is hot. The trailers I have seen have certainly peeked my curiosity. Anyway, being the skeptic that I am, and knowing Moore's passion for overstating/understating the facts, I needed another opinion. I went to Spinsanity, my favourite U.S. political watchdog site. As suspected the "facts" as Moore presents them are questioned and queried by the site. I guess there is a lesson to learn, something along the lines of "don't shoot the messenger". That would be "beware of WHO the messenger is". So, if you are so inclined to go see this documentary, remember, the "facts" are being presented (in my opinion) in a way best to discredit the current U.S. administration and not necessarily to inform the public of what really went on. Quite frankly, I don't think the current administration really needs too much help discrediting themselves.

    posted at 7/12/2004 12:07:00 PM by Megadeath

    Monday, July 05, 2004

    Makes my stomach turn. 

    Nothing more to say...sickening.

    posted at 7/05/2004 01:51:00 PM by Megadeath

    Friday, July 02, 2004

    Hussein on Trial 

    Finally the atrocities that have befell the Iraqi people will be brought to light. It is no surprise, to me anyway, that Hussein is as defiant as ever. How could a judge intimidate him, when the U.N. and later U.S.-led coalition forces could not? Eventually, he will be taken to task for his actions over the years. Although I never agreed with the U.S. coalition, without Hussein in power, the world is a little safer.

    posted at 7/02/2004 11:54:00 AM by Megadeath

    Canada - 137 years old. 

    Yesterday marked the 137th year of Canada. A time to reflect on our history and enjoy a day off work. I spent mine with my family in the back yard drinking some frosty Canadians (that's beer). The weather was great! It doesn't get much better than that.

    posted at 7/02/2004 11:54:00 AM by Megadeath

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