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    One Canadian Voice
    Games, Politics, Religion, Life.
    Wednesday, January 18, 2006

    OTR - Changes 

    Recently, one of my favourite shows, Off The Record (OTR) has undergone some changes. The show is (was?) essentially a sports opinion show where a daily changing panel of "celebs" discuss current events and trends within the sports world. There are many times when you will get some heated discussions (disagreements) on some issues. For anyone who has watched it over the years, some of the best moments have been when two of the panelists are in strong opposition with one another. Now, whether contrived or genuine, it makes for some good TV. Anyway, the "celebs" are typically current athletes that are passing through Toronto, or former athletes, or authors, musicians, actors, or politicians. For the most part, they are recognizable by name, if not by face.

    The first change I refer to is adding a piece at the beginning of the 30 minute show that is essentially an interview with a current sports figure. It is called "Up Front with ...". TSN takes the interview and uses the audio as a podcast on their site. Now, from time to time, there are some good ones. But for the most part, it is TV I'd rather not be watching. Save it for the interview within a sportscast or some other sports interview show. It's usually boring. Sure, advertise that there is a new podcast on the website with "so-and-so", but don't eat up valuable minutes of the real format of the show - the panel.
    The second change they have done is added a piece at the end I think they call "Next Question". This is where they take one of the panelists or the person they were talking with in "Up Front", and asks them pointed questions and some fun questions. The fun questions are usually about naming names of players they least like or who was the worst at something. Some are pretty funny. This, I can live with.
    So, TSN, forget the podcast portion, and give us more panel time. Keep the last question portion from time to time. You already had a winner. The only thing the change has done for me is give me an extra 5 minutes or so to finish my dinner before I head downstairs at 6 to watch "my show".

    posted at 1/18/2006 12:42:00 PM by Megadeath

    Thursday, January 05, 2006

    F.E.A.R. Review 

    Finally finished this game up before Christmas. As I posted earlier it was pretty enjoyable. As far as FPS games for the PC go, it was above average. The story begins with some strange occurences within some complex. It looks like a lunatic has taken over an aerospace facility full of super soldiers. All attempts of infiltrating and capturing the apparent leader of the uprising fails. The obliteration of the special forces is quick and without mercy. The leader is a demented psychopath with telepathic powers named Paxton Fettel. He controls the soldiers that await you.
    As you enter the complex, the opposition is skilled and constant. There is little time between encounters which keeps you on your toes, and cautious of your surroudings. Rushing into a situation is almost instant death. There are times you can get away with it though. A feature of the game is the slow motion. You are allowed to put everything in slow motion for short times to help in destroying your enemy and clearing out choke points. However, if you miscalculate and go into slow motion too early, you'll come out of it and meet your death.
    The soldiers are very good. I would estimate their hit ratio on you is about 50%. Stealth is important throughout the game, especially when approaching the larger armoured super soldiers. The AI is also above average. The soldiers work together, attempting to flank and use grenades with adequate accuracy. They will also detect your use of the flashlight in some situations. They react very quickly to sound, so keeping quiet whenever possible is important.
    The weapons are pretty standard. You can carry up to 4 weapons, but usually you'll only have 3, plus grenades. There are 3 types of grenades too.
    The gameplay does engulf you with sensory overload. The dream sequences are well placed and definitely add to the experience. As I've hinted to previously, the graphics are full of blood. There are moments when you will literally jump in your seat. The whole premise of an unknown entity in the shape of a small girl is one that captures your attention and imagination. There are few dull moments however there enemies are all pretty repetitive in appearance.
    Meeting Fettel is very anti-climatic. Things build and build to that moment, however you quickly realise he is merely a pawn in the overall plot.
    I played the multiplayer game a few times, however, it hasn't really excited me. It is your typical, run around and shoot things that are moving, multiplayer game.
    If you like deathmatch multiplayer type games, you should give it a try.
    Lastly, the physics and environment in the game are top notch. Although it is best run on the higher end machines, it can run on average machines with many of the eye-candy turned off or set low. With everything turned on, and a powerful PC, the game environment and physics is fantastic. Just about everything moves, and shooting chunks out of boxes, desks, and walls is pretty cool.
    I would recommend it as long as you have a higher end machine to fully appreciate the immersion into the game.

    Don't be surprised if there is a FEAR 2 down the road.

    posted at 1/05/2006 03:30:00 PM by Megadeath

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