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    One Canadian Voice
    Games, Politics, Religion, Life.
    Thursday, October 28, 2004

    World Series anti-climatic 

    I'm not a huge baseball fan by any stretch, but I do enjoy a back and forth game in the playoffs and World Series. The two division championships were golden. Both going the distance and both being tight games (at least most of them). They had late inning dramatics and extra inning dramatics. You know, things to keep your interest. Even my wife wanted to know (and tune in) what was going on.
    The World Series was a bore! It's too bad. Outside of the first game, there was little to keep your attention or make you look forward to the next game. The second game had the draw of Curt Schilling pitching with his "reconstructed" ankle, but the game itself was pretty boring. Isn't it a shame that the games/series leading up to the "big" one are usually much more entertaining than the final. I've noticed it in other sports too. Did St. Louis have a let down after getting to the big dance? Or did Boston just keep on their incredible high after finishing off the Yankees? Or was Boston's pitching just so much better than anything St. Louis could throw out on the field? I tend to be a believer that (especially in a multi-game final) the best team will win. Well, congratulations, Boston, you are the better team, on paper and on the field!

    posted at 10/28/2004 02:44:00 PM by Megadeath

    Wednesday, October 20, 2004

    Sleep Tart? 

    This tidbit appeared on wired news the other day:
    Sweet Dreams
    Some spouses have come up with hard-to-swallow alibis, but an Australian woman may have the most unusual. The sleep-walking woman sneaked out of her house, seduced strangers and had sex with them -- all while her partner slept at home. The woman had no memory of the nightly events. Her partner, who had been perplexed by the used condoms he found tossed around the house, awoke one evening, realized she was missing and found her having sex with another man. Her doctor, Peter Buchanan, said such sleep disorders can be very stressful and embarrassing. "People are often stunned and overwhelmed when they're told what they've been doing" while they sleep, he said, and their embarrassment "inhibits people coming forward to seek potentially helpful professional intervention."
    -- Debra Jones

    Somehow, I'd have a problem believing this was possible.
    "Honest honey, I'm only a tart when I'm sleep walking."

    posted at 10/20/2004 01:22:00 PM by Megadeath

    Monday, October 18, 2004

    As time marches on. 

    The last few days have been spent nursing some illness. Colds going through the house, not once, but twice. Ahh, kids and school. All the lovely ailments brought home for all to enjoy.

    Work has been pretty boring of late. Few bright spots, and rather unchallenging right now. Two co-workers have lost their fathers within days of each other. A pretty depressing time around the office, and some sad memories.

    Fall is here with a vengeance. Rain, wind, and likely very soon, some snow. I've got much to do to get ready for winter. There is the car maintenance and tires to take car of. New tires for the van are also needed. Christmas shopping has begun with B&B's yearly visit to Samko Toy Warehouse in Toronto. It's a good thing I've had a little bit of overtime recently to cover some of it.

    Really boring stuff, I know. Maybe things will get more interesting over the next little while.

    posted at 10/18/2004 01:24:00 PM by Megadeath

    Friday, October 08, 2004

    What the world needs more of. 

    This article reminds us of both the good and the bad in the human race. One act despicable, the other commendable. We should all take a little time each day to ask what we've done recently to make a difference in someone's life. Even if it's as simple as making them smile when they seem down.

    posted at 10/08/2004 10:28:00 AM by Megadeath

    Thursday, October 07, 2004

    From Techdirt 

    Techdirt:Driver Who Runs Red Light While Watching Video Game Complains

    I happened across this beauty of a story in my "regular" reads. Mike is bang on when he says "No one takes responsibility for their actions any more." How can you blame anyone but yourself for this? What's next? A warning label on those portable consoles clearly stating: "Don't be a moron: Don't watch TV and drive at the same time. You could kill yourself, or someone else."

    posted at 10/07/2004 10:12:00 AM by Megadeath

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