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I am a 40-something year old computer analyst working in the world of the mainframe and the confines of the corporate machine.
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I don't really have a favourite colour.
I am living common-law after being divorced. I have a son and two daughters, plus a step-daughter. All are gems in their own way.


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    Friday, November 26, 2004

    No sex for you! 

    Google Search: ontario sex blogs

    Way too funny. This site coming up number two in a search for sex blogs. What a disappointment it must have been.

    posted at 11/26/2004 01:32:00 PM by Megadeath

    Monday, November 22, 2004


    I just got finished watching a video called Bumfights 3: The Felony Footage. I'm glad I never wasted any money on it. It was, to say the least, disturbing. Much of it is gratuitous violence and stupidity between youths street fighting. Watching people get beat up isn't funny. Then there is the whole street people angle of the video. Exploitation over and over. The "stars" of the show are usually hammered, high, mentally challenged, or some combination of all three. I laughed once at their antics, but can't even remember what it was I found was so funny because the rest of it was so disgustingly exploitive. I can see why the makers of it have been up on charges. They got off, but this stuff is by no means funny.

    posted at 11/22/2004 01:57:00 PM by Megadeath

    Thursday, November 11, 2004

    Lest We Forget 


    Sad that this corporation does nothing in the form of remembering. Even the company website (internal and external) has no reference of the significance of this day.

    posted at 11/11/2004 11:40:00 AM by Megadeath

    Wednesday, November 10, 2004

    Makes you wonder. 

    This morning was really no different than most. The alarm went off, I turned it off and rolled over. Half an hour later, I'm in hyper mode getting ready for work and getting out the door. My usual hour plus drive in was better than a lot of days. I took the same route as always and parked in the same spot in the parking garage as (almost) always.
    The difference this morning was once I got to work and parked. I get out. Make sure I have my keys (usually more than once). Close the door. Go around to the other side to get my lunch and laptop. Check my keys again. Check to see that all doors are locked, while holding on to my keys. Ok, so I'm a little paranoid about locking my keys in my car, but let's face it, it would be a royal pain to have to get someone to retrieve them if I did.
    As I shut the door, something caught my eye. There on the back of the car, resting on the fin was my digital camera! Now, I didn't put it there...Guess who did? Not a difficult "mystery" to put together. Anyway, that's not the real mystery. The real mystery: How in the H-E-double hockey sticks (that's HELL for those that can't grasp the concept of a hockey stick looking somewhat like an L) did the camera ever stay on the back of the car for over an hour commute?! It wasn't in a case, just "metal" on "metal". Taking corners as fast as ever, driving as fast as ever, and stopping as fast as ever. Not a soul honked, pointed, or tried to draw my attention to it. You get more attention when your gas cap flap is left open. Maybe they thought I was trying to photograph my drive in to work...Or maybe I didn't hear or see them.

    I think I should get a lottery ticket.

    posted at 11/10/2004 01:11:00 PM by Megadeath

    Monday, November 01, 2004

    Another Halloween done. 

    The usual stuff occurred. The kids get all excited about what they're going to be and the parents get geared up for the trek around the neighbourhood. This year was a little more hectic due to a family birthday party to attend in the afternoon. We got back from that around 5:30 and sure enough the tricking and treating had just started. For our little crew we had a lion, Princess Jasmine, and a Go-Go girl. Lucky for us the neighbourhood is full of courts which makes for easy, safe passage for the kids. We did the usual rounds and came home. I think the girls get as much kick out of seeing the other kids coming to the door as they do actually going out for candy. Ok, almost as big a kick. Earlier in the afternoon we did a pumpkin carving. I was going to do a rather simple face with a tongue sticking out, but I was overruled by the youngest two. They wanted a cat's face. About one hour later, using only a knife this IM000624 emerged. This was my first attempt at "art" on a pumpkin. Not too bad for an artistically challenged old man, eh?

    posted at 11/01/2004 08:47:00 PM by Megadeath

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