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    One Canadian Voice
    Games, Politics, Religion, Life.
    Wednesday, September 29, 2004

    Questions without good answers. 

    TheStar.com - Mother danced as child died

    Even though it's over 2 years old...Another story that breaks your heart. Another innocent child leaves the world due to the incompetence of an "adult".
    What did this child do to deserve going through this in her short life?
    How can an individual think in the way the mother did?
    Wouldn't the child be crying for hours, hungry, wet, and soiled?
    Wouldn't a neighbour have heard her?
    Why do people choose to ignore such signs?

    More questions than answers.

    posted at 9/29/2004 09:58:00 AM by Megadeath

    Tuesday, September 21, 2004


    Well, it's been a while since the last entry. Quite a few things have been going on but none that have really struck me to spend too much time writing about. So what follows is some quick thoughts on things that have been happening.

    Vince Carter - wants to be traded. Well, that's how the papers are reporting it. Good for him. Let him go, but only if the team gets better by doing so. Hopefully, he is professional enough to play hard and not pollute the locker room with negative thoughts. Best thing that could happen is if the Raptors get off to a quick start. Chances of that are slim from where I sit.

    The Benefactor - Mark Cuban has a decent enough show. I watched the first episode, but missed it last night. Maybe next week.

    NFL Football - A new season is underway, and already there have been some pretty good games and exciting plays. There are still way too many boring games though. Give me the CFL and the high scoring. If you can't score 15 or more points in a game, you suck. The NFL won't open it up because they don't need to. There is enough fan interest simply because of the huge betting that goes on the games.

    Hitman 3 - I just started playing this one. It looks pretty cool. Pretty self-explanatory - you're a hitman carrying out your hits. Stealth and disguise are key elements.

    Some wacko thinks it's a good idea to put blades in the sand where people will be playing volleyball. There are truly, some twisted individuals out there.

    B&B had her 40th birthday yesterday. Party time is this weekend. She still affects me like no other woman has. She's amazing. We're getting old together, just like we should be. (I know, 40 isn't old)

    September has been a busy month. My birthday, middle-daughter's birthday, and B&B's birthday. The start of school. Work really ramping up again. Playing with a "clean computer".
    New shows to watch. -- No rest time for the wicked. ;-)

    My Dad would have been 72 this past Friday. I really miss him.

    My car got a rad implant and fan. The rising heat issues have been fixed. At least I can rest easier knowing it is not a head gasket problem. Even after 322,000 KM, the car still sounds and runs great.

    Hockey won't be out for too long. I figure they'll be back early in the New Year - with some sort of cap or luxury cap. Some of the players are speaking out now and the majority of fans that I've heard are against the players this time. I think the offer of profit sharing is a legitimate one that can work for everyone. Players will get a percentage of profits that is assigned to salaries.
    I wish I could get a bigger piece of this company's profits.

    posted at 9/21/2004 08:10:00 AM by Megadeath

    Tuesday, September 07, 2004

    And the rich get richer. 

    For CEOs, offshoring pays - News - ZDNet

    This article got my dander up. The rich get richer. The governance of large corporations does not exist. They are pretty much free to do as they please as long as the bottom line the investors see is satisfactory. Over the past week I received an email outlining how much education people in this company receive. On paper it is impressive...something like 85% being done online. Saves the company money. But if all they offer is not of any use to you then what good is it? People will take courses just to fill their quota of learning days so they have something in their yearly review under education. Corporate Speak 101: It's all in how you spin it.

    Is this alright LG? I'll try to do better...sorry ma'am. :P

    posted at 9/07/2004 10:58:00 AM by Megadeath

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