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I am a 40-something year old computer analyst working in the world of the mainframe and the confines of the corporate machine.
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I am living common-law after being divorced. I have a son and two daughters, plus a step-daughter. All are gems in their own way.


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    One Canadian Voice
    Games, Politics, Religion, Life.
    Tuesday, January 27, 2004

    General Rants. Raves, and Musings
    More winter storm weather today. I guess it could be worse. The good part is that I stayed home. I can work from my home - lucky me!

    In local politics, the Liberals are shooting themselves. Turning against each other. Now I'm no Sheila Copps fan, however, it seems to me she has served the Liberals very well and has vast experience that Martin should be keeping at hand rather than trying to ex-communicate her from the ranks.

    The Leafs are still on top in the East (tied). They still have to fill the defensive end of things with a big reliable defensemen. Someone who is not going to let the Philly players (or anyone else) stand in front of Belfour and bother him.
    The Raptors are not playing well right now. Perhaps the injury to Carter is still there. He's not 100%. But even so, there is no way they should be losing to Chicago. I do, however, feel they will turn things around. One thing they do need DESPERATELY, is some inside help. They need a big man. Not one that will necessarily score tons, but one who can bang, get the boards, and intimidate the other team from coming to the hoop. There are far too many opposing players driving to the hoop these past few games.

    posted at 1/27/2004 10:53:00 AM by Megadeath

    Thursday, January 22, 2004

    Offshore Outsourcing
    This is a topic that affects me in a large way. I work for a company that provides outsourcing solutions to large companies in many sectors of the economy. We operate globally, and therefore have huge resources of workers to choose from for the solutions we provide. However, in North America, we are paid very well, in comparison to our counterparts around the world.
    In the short term, it makes perfect sense to provide the customer the service whatever means possible. Rarely, to my knowledge, is there any national protectionism for the jobs/work that is to be contracted out. The company looking to dump the work to the outsourcer is merely looking at their costs, and trying to better their bottom line. On the surface they will try to protect their workers from being chopped instantly upon the "takeover". However, the protection is short lived, if it is ever there to begin with. Most of these big deals will "protect" most of the staff for about a year. After that, everyone is fair game for being let go. Of course, it is under the guise of lay offs, but really, they are strictly cost cutting measures.
    You see, if the outsourcer can do the work with less people, the contract now becomes much more lucrative. The ROI of a 3 million dollar contract begins to increase with every worker that is let go. Once the local knowledge is passed on, there is little difference between the systems/technology that runs the business. If you can support software A in Russia/India/Philippines from Russia/India/Philippines, for North America. The outsourcing company benefits because the wages paid the professionals in the foreign countries is far less than North America.
    However the benefit stops there. As is pointed out in many of the articles about the subject, the technology jobs are becoming much harder to come by. The market is somewhat saturated. Once the employee is laid off, what then? Usually, the severance package received is decent enough to get you by for a few months, but what then? The competition is intense, and the technology companies are not looking to hire a very experienced techie. They want middle-of-the-road, in many cases, because they cost less, and are likely younger so maybe they'll stick around long enough to grow with the company. At any rate, the laid off worker is no longer able to spend on the products of the big companies, and, in the long run, the economy will be damaged by this sort of myopic vision. The distressing thing is, the companies, both the outsourcer and outsourcee, will realize some very good gains in the short run. The CEOs of the companies will collect their large bonus's for a "job well done" and then leave to go "save" another company. When the dust settles, the economic tide will have turned for the worst, the laid off workers will still be laid off, or working for a half or third of what they were, in a totally different field, and some other CEO will be left with the realization that offshore is not how to keep the local economy going and their own bottom line flourishing.
    I for one am hoping that some of the protectionism the U.S. has shown for other industries will be put in place for the technology sector soon. We need it there, and in Canada.

    posted at 1/22/2004 04:06:00 PM by Megadeath

    Tuesday, January 20, 2004

    Super 7 Winner
    Well, once again, the big jackpot doesn't come to me. Like this kid said, "I never in a million years expected to win."
    Well, me neither, but it sure would be nice. I'm not even looking for the full 20 million. Just throw me enough to be debt-free with a little in the bank for a rainy day and I'd be happy. Some around the office figure he's going to blow it large. In a few years, they say, he'll have nothing. Somehow I doubt it. We're not talking one million here. It's 20 million. If you were to put half of that away you could live off the rest and when that ran out, you could probably live very comfortably on the interest.
    The kid is set. Maybe, if anyone is listening up there, I could get a piece of the lottery pie? Just enough to see the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel.

    posted at 1/20/2004 11:41:00 AM by Megadeath

    Thursday, January 15, 2004

    Bitter Cold
    Well, we're into a cold snap. Last night it took me over 3 hours to get home...but I made it safe and sound.
    I was out shoveling the mounds of snow that fell overnight. Talk about cold. -30 something Celsius. I even wore a hat (I never wear hats).

    Working from Home
    Yes, I decided to work from home today. The traffic reports this morning weren't painting a pretty picture. So, fortunately, due to an understanding boss and the wonders of technology, I stayed home. What I do can be easily done remotely. That I am thankful for.

    So, the Ontario government is contemplating bringing back photo radar. Now, I've heard the radio talk shows and it appears that most people are opposed. I am not. I realize that it is just a cash grab, no matter what they say to justify it. I found it absolutely moronic to get rid of it in the first place. We had it about 10 years ago. It was bringing in millions of dollars in revenue for the provincial government. That should translate into less need to hike our taxes. I know, I know, it doesn't always work that way. However, I'd rather them have the money from the photo radar source than to come looking to me (and you) the tax payer for more money. I don't have anymore to give. As long as the government calls it what it is, a cash grab, I don't have a problem with it. Now, try to snow me over with saying it will save lives on the highways...I doubt that.
    Other news was speculating that our local municipal taxes could rise again. PLEASE!! Gas prices continually go up. Hydro...going up. Where is everyone supposed to get this extra cash, especially if you are living hand to mouth as it is. In fact, a great many of us aren't even doing that. The number of people borrowing money is ever-increasing, and sooner or later it will all catch up. Personal bankruptcies are also on the rise. Is it any wonder? More and more entities are looking for a piece of your pie...a piece that really doesn't exist.

    posted at 1/15/2004 01:04:00 PM by Megadeath

    Friday, January 09, 2004

    More General Short Rants
    It never ceases to amaze me the number of people that get ahead in their jobs through zero skill or knowledge. Their method to rising is being the "squeaky wheel", smoozing with the boss, or just plain ass kissing. I've prided myself on moving up by knowing what I'm talking about and keeping current (on my own because getting education isn't always timely nor available).

    As I get older, my body hurts more and more. Played basketball last night. Now, it's not unusual to have aches and pains in my ankles, knees, and back. These have become the price of doing something I love to do. However, this morning, my HANDS ache. What up with that!?!?! My wife says I'm just old and should give it up. Sorry dear, no can do. I'll be playing this game for a good while longer.

    Is it cold enough outside?!? I stopped for gas this morning to fill up. There I am standing there and my nostrils begin to freeze shut! I looked at the pump and thought, "That's enough to get me to Toronto and back". Hung up the pump and went on my way. Sunday is supposed to bring some relief to the frigid temperatures. Of course, I realize that there are other areas in our country that are colder...but I don't care...this is about me, remember?

    I'm not exactly looking forward to my next paycheque. Well, I am but I know it's going to be disappointing. All those damn taxes will be back on it. You know unemployment insurance and CPP. I've never collected UI. In fact, the one time I tried I was turned down. I also figure I'll never collect CPP. At least (I hope) my family would benefit from it.

    Speaking of retirement. Can't wait! I enjoy what I do, but I think I'd enjoy getting up when I want and doing what I want a great deal more.
    Until next time....

    posted at 1/09/2004 12:13:00 PM by Megadeath

    Thursday, January 01, 2004

    The Holidays
    First, Happy New Year everyone.
    Whew! What a last couple of weeks of the year. Work was unusually busy before Christmas so the two week vacation I booked off was welcomed. The family spent the last two weeks visiting family and friends for the holidays. One mishap...the baby lost her two front teeth tobagganing! She's tough as nails for two years old. Hardly cried. Once she realized they were gone, she just said, "Tee gone". The "TH" sound is going to be a tough one for her now for quite some time.
    Last night was quiet, just myself and my love. A bottle of champagne and a dance to our song. What will 2004 bring? On a personal level, I hope it pretty much stays the same. 2003 wasn't a bad year.
    On the world stage, let's hope all the turmoil in the world can quiet down some.

    posted at 1/01/2004 02:11:00 PM by Megadeath

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