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    One Canadian Voice
    Games, Politics, Religion, Life.
    Tuesday, December 02, 2003

    Commuting Bites!
    This morning I spend 3 hours commuting to work. How ridiculous! Essentially, the cause was a stalled tractor trailer and a little weather/sunshine combination. I typically have an hour to hour and a half commute to work, depending on time of day. Yesterday, there were a few snow squalls -- 2 hours to work. And then this morning's debacle.
    Of course, I get to work, and I'm bagged from the stress of the drive. (Morons on the road will be a topic of the future, I'm sure.) Thank goodness I had no meetings to attend this early morning. I like my job, but I hate the commute.
    Fortunately, I have been able to work from home on occasion. At one time, I was doing it 1-3 days a week without impact to performance. Then new management comes along, and quietly poo poos the idea even though it is part of HR's overall vision. Work and Lifestyle - strike a balance. Hey, I'm trying. I do have a job that is computer related that allows me to "connect" from anywhere. I don't need face to face communication so I am not impacted by the work at home philosophy. In fact I would be MORE productive.
    1) Less interruptions with outside conversations...you know the loud talkers around the office you can't tune out.
    2) Less interruptions from people "just wanting to know" or "just letting you know". Send me an email and let me read it on my time. Now you have interrupted my train of thought, or made me feel compelled to help you out of whatever little problem you are facing.
    I know that my sanity would be much better served working at home...no rushing out of here to pick up kids, or to be home for an early dinner because one of the kids has some event going on at 6.
    Another thing, if I'm on the road a 6 a.m. and it takes me about an hour to get in, then why are there so many more cars on the road when I'm on my 1.5-2 hour commute home? There must be a great deal of people that don't put in a full day...or there are more salesman in this world than I care to think of.

    posted at 12/02/2003 11:04:00 AM by Megadeath

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