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I am a 40-something year old computer analyst working in the world of the mainframe and the confines of the corporate machine.
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I am living common-law after being divorced. I have a son and two daughters, plus a step-daughter. All are gems in their own way.


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    Bloggers of Ontario Unite!

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    One Canadian Voice
    Games, Politics, Religion, Life.
    Thursday, January 15, 2004

    Bitter Cold
    Well, we're into a cold snap. Last night it took me over 3 hours to get home...but I made it safe and sound.
    I was out shoveling the mounds of snow that fell overnight. Talk about cold. -30 something Celsius. I even wore a hat (I never wear hats).

    Working from Home
    Yes, I decided to work from home today. The traffic reports this morning weren't painting a pretty picture. So, fortunately, due to an understanding boss and the wonders of technology, I stayed home. What I do can be easily done remotely. That I am thankful for.

    So, the Ontario government is contemplating bringing back photo radar. Now, I've heard the radio talk shows and it appears that most people are opposed. I am not. I realize that it is just a cash grab, no matter what they say to justify it. I found it absolutely moronic to get rid of it in the first place. We had it about 10 years ago. It was bringing in millions of dollars in revenue for the provincial government. That should translate into less need to hike our taxes. I know, I know, it doesn't always work that way. However, I'd rather them have the money from the photo radar source than to come looking to me (and you) the tax payer for more money. I don't have anymore to give. As long as the government calls it what it is, a cash grab, I don't have a problem with it. Now, try to snow me over with saying it will save lives on the highways...I doubt that.
    Other news was speculating that our local municipal taxes could rise again. PLEASE!! Gas prices continually go up. Hydro...going up. Where is everyone supposed to get this extra cash, especially if you are living hand to mouth as it is. In fact, a great many of us aren't even doing that. The number of people borrowing money is ever-increasing, and sooner or later it will all catch up. Personal bankruptcies are also on the rise. Is it any wonder? More and more entities are looking for a piece of your pie...a piece that really doesn't exist.

    posted at 1/15/2004 01:04:00 PM by Megadeath

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