One Canadian Voice Games, Politics, Religion, Life.
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Friday, January 09, 2004
More General Short Rants It never ceases to amaze me the number of people that get ahead in their jobs through zero skill or knowledge. Their method to rising is being the "squeaky wheel", smoozing with the boss, or just plain ass kissing. I've prided myself on moving up by knowing what I'm talking about and keeping current (on my own because getting education isn't always timely nor available). As I get older, my body hurts more and more. Played basketball last night. Now, it's not unusual to have aches and pains in my ankles, knees, and back. These have become the price of doing something I love to do. However, this morning, my HANDS ache. What up with that!?!?! My wife says I'm just old and should give it up. Sorry dear, no can do. I'll be playing this game for a good while longer. Is it cold enough outside?!? I stopped for gas this morning to fill up. There I am standing there and my nostrils begin to freeze shut! I looked at the pump and thought, "That's enough to get me to Toronto and back". Hung up the pump and went on my way. Sunday is supposed to bring some relief to the frigid temperatures. Of course, I realize that there are other areas in our country that are colder...but I don't care...this is about me, remember? I'm not exactly looking forward to my next paycheque. Well, I am but I know it's going to be disappointing. All those damn taxes will be back on it. You know unemployment insurance and CPP. I've never collected UI. In fact, the one time I tried I was turned down. I also figure I'll never collect CPP. At least (I hope) my family would benefit from it. Speaking of retirement. Can't wait! I enjoy what I do, but I think I'd enjoy getting up when I want and doing what I want a great deal more. Until next time....
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