One Canadian Voice Games, Politics, Religion, Life.
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Tuesday, January 20, 2004
Super 7 Winner Well, once again, the big jackpot doesn't come to me. Like this kid said, "I never in a million years expected to win." Well, me neither, but it sure would be nice. I'm not even looking for the full 20 million. Just throw me enough to be debt-free with a little in the bank for a rainy day and I'd be happy. Some around the office figure he's going to blow it large. In a few years, they say, he'll have nothing. Somehow I doubt it. We're not talking one million here. It's 20 million. If you were to put half of that away you could live off the rest and when that ran out, you could probably live very comfortably on the interest. The kid is set. Maybe, if anyone is listening up there, I could get a piece of the lottery pie? Just enough to see the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel.
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