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    One Canadian Voice
    Games, Politics, Religion, Life.
    Wednesday, February 11, 2004

    Don Cherry
    If you're Canadian, and follow hockey at all, you've probably heard about the Cherry comments and CBC's reaction to them. The TV and radio talk shows have been feeding off this, the newspapers have been covering it, and the topic is one discussed around watercoolers throughout Canada.
    When I listened to the actual statements live, I thought, "You're insane, Don.". It wasn't because he had said anything against French Canadians or Europeans wearing visors, it was because I disagreed that he felt the league should not make the wearing of visors mandatory. His arguments about the sticks will come up even more may be valid, however, if the penalties are called as they should be, they will stay down, AND still nobody will lose an eye. I doubt the time after it became mandatory to wear hard hats at a construction site that the workers suddenly decided to start throwing or kicking bricks off the scaffolding because everyone was now protected.
    Now, back to the comments regarding the French and Europeans. To be honest I kinda chuckled when he said that. I thought, "That's typical Cherry." I watch Off The Record on TSN just about every night (love the show). This week, of course, has this as one of the topics of discussion among the panelists. Those opposed to Don's comments have been of African American decent. They equate Don's comments to saying something against blacks. I don't see it that way. They argue also about political correctness, and how Don should be more responsible since his show is on a publicly owned TV station (the CBC is owned by the government) and therefore paid for by our tax dollars. The argument goes on about tax payers don't want to see it. Well, I do. I pay taxes (and lots of them). I take Don for what he is, a showman. Some things I agree with, others I don't. Some of his ideals are a little dated and yes seem bigoted. The man is 70 years old. His upbringing was different than ours and therefore his views and vision of the world is going to be different. I say the CBC is making a mistake by doing this because as soon as they "censor" him, the public outcry will be large.
    A very funny bit on the whole situation can be found HERE.
    The voices are very like the real thing, performed by Don Landry of the FAN 590.

    posted at 2/11/2004 07:28:00 PM by Megadeath

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