One Canadian Voice Games, Politics, Religion, Life.
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Saturday, February 28, 2004
Gay RightsWow! I've been reading through some blogs I look at from time to time and came upon this hornet's nest about gay marriages. The discussion is passionate on both sides and I do not wish to debate it here. However, I will say that we should keep church and state (government) separate. The world has changed so much with so many transplanted people in different countries that a government cannot be everything to all of its citizens if they allow religion to enter into their thinking. Yes, I believe in the guidelines set out for us in the bible, however, I do not believe it is wholly the word of God. Man wrote it, whether it be now or millions of years ago and with that come the various versions of the scripture and its interpretation(s). Canada seems to have a higher tolerance of the differences found in all of us, but we are not free and clear of prejudice by any means. If we keep the teachings of some religions out of the picture, the right to gay and lesbians to be united in a form of marriage should not be hard to fathom. Allow the government to govern and sanctify, legitimize that partnership just as couples in a common-law relationship are given certain rights of "marriage". If there are churches that believe that their interpretation can allow a holy coupling then so be it. I live in a common-law relationship, with children between us. To some religions this is sin. So be it. I was told by a Catholic Priest that the important thing is that there is love between the two people when they enter into the act we know as sex. "If there is love", he said, "then God blesses it".
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