One Canadian Voice Games, Politics, Religion, Life.
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Wednesday, February 11, 2004
Politics Well it looks like the Liberals are up to their arses in scandal. Of course, it's easy to blame the previous Chretien regime, however, as a Finance Minister, don't you have to take some responsibility for what happened? The Liberals' game plan going forward is clearly damage control, but any government would be doing the same. For me, someone with no strong political ties, this is a black mark on the Liberals for the next election, however, not the deciding factor. It would be difficult to find in recent times a government that has not had some kind of black mark brought up against them. Whether it be broken campaign promises, throwing away millions of dollars in revenue for a vocal minority group, or poor spending habits. I believe all governments are corrupt in some way. We can't believe, unfortunately, in what they say. There are so many influences on the decisions made. Perhaps the ever increasing public scrutiny of our government through the media will bring forth, eventually, a government that is honest, just, and beyond reproach. A government we all would like to have represent us. After all, they are representing us!
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