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I am a 40-something year old computer analyst working in the world of the mainframe and the confines of the corporate machine.
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I am living common-law after being divorced. I have a son and two daughters, plus a step-daughter. All are gems in their own way.


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    One Canadian Voice
    Games, Politics, Religion, Life.
    Monday, March 08, 2004

    My Computer

    What does it mean to me? What does your computer mean to you? Would you be lost without it? How dependent have we become on our personal computers?

    I know for myself, I have become very dependent on my computer. It is my one source of information and entertainment. I rarely buy a newspaper anymore. Why would I need to? All the world's events, are easily accessible via the Web. The PC has become my main source of entertainment, whether it be internet games, PC games, or reading the many Blogs that are available. I don't have to go to a bank to pay bills anymore, the bank is on my computer screen. Soon, we will be able to get money from the PC via card readers. The technology is already available but not widely used. As a cashless society becomes more and more of a reality, the PC will become even more in demand for "simplifying our lives.

    Would I be lost without it? No. I would just do other things. Read more books, play more board games, and watch more TV. Good or bad? Well, that depends on your views of being social. The PC has made face to face communication something reserved for immediate family and on the job occurrences. Think about how little people actually communicate face to face anymore. People avoid eye contact rather than encourage it. I'm not much for small talk, but today's children will grow up even less inclined to it. Get them online, however, and you can't shut them up.

    There are times when B&B (my bread and butter as I call her) feels I spend way too much time on the computer, and she is probably right. The PC definitely cannot offer the love and companionship that she does. But, alas, the computer doesn't get angry at me (unless you count the odd crash as angry) nor will it get on me to take out the garbage or cut the grass (unless I program it to do so...but why would I do that?) No honey, I wouldn't pick the computer over you.

    All in all, I would have to say the PC is a great thing. Used in some moderation we can still have all that yesteryear offered and more.

    posted at 3/08/2004 12:39:00 PM by Megadeath

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