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    One Canadian Voice
    Games, Politics, Religion, Life.
    Friday, March 26, 2004

    Power outage = Brain outage. 

    So, the geniuses that run our provincial government want to set up a new way to pay for your hydro by introducing a "smart meter" that will record the time of day that the energy is consumed. With this information, you can be "rewarded" for using the hydro at off peak times with a lower rate. Energy is a hot topic in Ontario due to the recent price problems and power outage. It is said that some of the cost of replacing the current meters would fall on the homeowners. I don't agree with it, but no big deal. Then I read that the cost of running such a meter is about $100 a year instead of the $7 a year for the current meters. So I'm already in the whole the cost of replacement plus $93 for the year, and there hasn't even been any adjustment to the prices of the hydro use.
    Of course, what isn't mentioned is that the hydro companies will have to be compensated somehow for developing this payment model, installing the meters, and keep revenue going up. Guess who gets to pay for that?! The homeowner. Now, in order to take advantage of the new model, we need to use less energy during prime time and more in the off hours, like one or two in the morning. I can see it now, "Honey, set the alarm for 3 o'clock, I have to do a load of laundry."
    "Look honey, there is a new TV station called TAH (Take Advantage of Hydro)."
    They have no programming during the day and show all your favourite shows between midnight and 6 a.m. so everyone can get the lower rates.

    The silver lining? Shift workers will save large and night school may take on a whole new meaning.

    posted at 3/26/2004 08:33:00 PM by Megadeath

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