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I am a 40-something year old computer analyst working in the world of the mainframe and the confines of the corporate machine.
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I am living common-law after being divorced. I have a son and two daughters, plus a step-daughter. All are gems in their own way.


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    One Canadian Voice
    Games, Politics, Religion, Life.
    Wednesday, April 14, 2004


    I watch my youngest on the computer...She's 3 in a couple of months. She's playing Clifford the Big Red Dog. It's amazing to watch her manipulate the mouse around the screen. They pick up things so quickly. I remember when my son first started on my PC, he was probably a year older, but the same thing. Exposure to new things is the key for them. It's funny how they can do things like this but ask them to do some other "simple" tasks and suddenly they cannot perform.

    Further to the computer thing and kids...
    You would think 7.5 years of exposure to PC's would make people somewhat aware of the "dangers" that lurk out in the world of the internet. You know, viruses, adware, spyware, and hackers. My son has proven to me, once again, he hasn't a clue when it comes to this stuff, even though he sees my machine with all the "gadgets" on it. I went to his mother's house the other day because, among other things, he was complaining his ping was way too high when playing his favourite online game, Counterstrike. I suspected he had something running in the background. When I got there his computer was turned off, but his cable modem was flashing up a storm. I said, "You've got some serious problems here"
    So I downloaded my favourite two adware and spyware detectors/removers, Adaware and Spybot - Search and Destroy. Whatever was on there wouldn't even let me logon to the Adaware site, so I had to go to Download.com to get it. Anyway, he had over 300 adware/spyware components on his machine. His Norton Anti-Virus hasn't been working for a couple of months now and my continual diatribes to him about getting AVG Free Edition fell on deaf ears. Once I ran that and fixed his browser settings the flashing lights on his modem slowed down to an occasional flicker. I still suspect he has a Trojan of some kind but didn't have the time to install AVG and check. Hopefully he has by now. It just goes to show you that even though you may sit in front of and use a PC virtually every day of your life, you probably know diddly of how it really works.
    I'm no expert, but I do read a great deal on security issues with home PCs. I know I'm not invulnerable but I know I am more secure than most.

    For a laugh
    Check this out! Thanks to Jen.

    posted at 4/14/2004 09:55:00 AM by Megadeath

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