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I heard about this coach in Jersey that gave a player of his a "cry baby" award on The Fan 590's Dink of the Day segment. It's also interesting to read some public assessments of the story here. My take: No matter how whinny the kid was during the season, he does not deserve to be humiliated in front of his classmates, and teammates. It is disgraceful that a coach (and likely teacher) would stoop to such adolescent behaviour to get a laugh out of the other students. There is no excuse. The follow up article is here. It turns out the coach is a teacher and has been told he "must make a public apology, attend sensitivity training and hold a second banquet to give out a proper award, School Superintendent Edwin Coyle said. But he said he opposed firing him as a teacher. " All fine and good, but the second award will be so hollow, it will be worthless. Others are calling for the teacher to be fired, but that is far too harsh. If we were all fired for a brain cramp we would all be out of work.
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