One Canadian Voice Games, Politics, Religion, Life.
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Work sucks! Not the actual work, management and their lame ass excuses for policies. The company has and supports work and lifestyle initiatives for their employees. Some of the options are home office, flexible work hours, flexible work weeks, and flexible work locations. Well, home office is out. Big surprise there. The problem I have is their reasoning. They claim we need 60% "face-time" with our co-workers. Let me tell you, I don't spend the equivalent of 3 days a month in front of any of my co-workers, far less 3 days a week (that would equal 60% of my time, for those playing along at home). I don't have a problem with them saying we don't want home offices being created but at least give a valid reason, not something that just sounds good to them. Then they come up with that it will be alright to work out of another remote office building part of the time as long as it is worked out ahead of time. Fine. But here is the catch - "We are still reviewing working from home under this arrangement". What a lot of crock. I don't want to get started...but I have to. What is the difference between another office building and home? What's the difference between an office and home? There are some differences, but the bottom line comes down to work ethic and trust. If you are a F*up at the office you are going to be that way no matter where you work. Unfortunately, for me there are too many people that view a day out of the office working as being a day off. The real problem is that our management has no way of measuring our real output no matter where we are working. As long as no deadlines are missed and the basic work is done, they don't care. There is no measurement. No checks and balances. The battle continues. The boss lady told me I shouldn't be crabby about it. That is actually the word she used. I haven't said anything about it one way or the other lately. I figure I'll just keep on going the way I'm going. If I need to work at home for whatever reason, I'll do it until they tell me to stop. Then I'll fight it. But until then, it's not worth the headache. Let management do their thing and we'll see how things turn out.
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