One Canadian Voice Games, Politics, Religion, Life.
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So, in the office today I overhear a "glowing" review of Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11. It's not the first, and I admit the topic is hot. The trailers I have seen have certainly peeked my curiosity. Anyway, being the skeptic that I am, and knowing Moore's passion for overstating/understating the facts, I needed another opinion. I went to Spinsanity, my favourite U.S. political watchdog site. As suspected the "facts" as Moore presents them are questioned and queried by the site. I guess there is a lesson to learn, something along the lines of "don't shoot the messenger". That would be "beware of WHO the messenger is". So, if you are so inclined to go see this documentary, remember, the "facts" are being presented (in my opinion) in a way best to discredit the current U.S. administration and not necessarily to inform the public of what really went on. Quite frankly, I don't think the current administration really needs too much help discrediting themselves.
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