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    One Canadian Voice
    Games, Politics, Religion, Life.
    Wednesday, October 20, 2004

    Sleep Tart? 

    This tidbit appeared on wired news the other day:
    Sweet Dreams
    Some spouses have come up with hard-to-swallow alibis, but an Australian woman may have the most unusual. The sleep-walking woman sneaked out of her house, seduced strangers and had sex with them -- all while her partner slept at home. The woman had no memory of the nightly events. Her partner, who had been perplexed by the used condoms he found tossed around the house, awoke one evening, realized she was missing and found her having sex with another man. Her doctor, Peter Buchanan, said such sleep disorders can be very stressful and embarrassing. "People are often stunned and overwhelmed when they're told what they've been doing" while they sleep, he said, and their embarrassment "inhibits people coming forward to seek potentially helpful professional intervention."
    -- Debra Jones

    Somehow, I'd have a problem believing this was possible.
    "Honest honey, I'm only a tart when I'm sleep walking."

    posted at 10/20/2004 01:22:00 PM by Megadeath

    Many years ago there was a man in Toronto that killed his inlaws that claimed he had no knowledge of it; he had been sleepwalking. After a trial full of experts, he was eventual let off. Go figure. It sounds weird to me but then again, who am I to say really.
    I've known a few people that sleep walk or sleep talk in full conversation. The problem I have is the physical part of this and what you bring up, Kim. I know I couldn't sleep through it...could you? Maybe that's a loaded question. :)
    No, I couldn't sleep through that or at least I wouldn't think one could.
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