One Canadian Voice Games, Politics, Religion, Life.
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I'm not a huge baseball fan by any stretch, but I do enjoy a back and forth game in the playoffs and World Series. The two division championships were golden. Both going the distance and both being tight games (at least most of them). They had late inning dramatics and extra inning dramatics. You know, things to keep your interest. Even my wife wanted to know (and tune in) what was going on. The World Series was a bore! It's too bad. Outside of the first game, there was little to keep your attention or make you look forward to the next game. The second game had the draw of Curt Schilling pitching with his "reconstructed" ankle, but the game itself was pretty boring. Isn't it a shame that the games/series leading up to the "big" one are usually much more entertaining than the final. I've noticed it in other sports too. Did St. Louis have a let down after getting to the big dance? Or did Boston just keep on their incredible high after finishing off the Yankees? Or was Boston's pitching just so much better than anything St. Louis could throw out on the field? I tend to be a believer that (especially in a multi-game final) the best team will win. Well, congratulations, Boston, you are the better team, on paper and on the field!
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