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    One Canadian Voice
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    Monday, June 06, 2005

    It's Been Ages 

    I can't believe how long it's been since the last entry...OK, yes I can believe it. I haven't been up to writing much lately. It's not that I haven't had any ideas, I just haven't felt like actually putting anything down. I have been keep a small log of completely a-hole drivers. I've been taking down license plates when I can and noting what stupid things they do. Mostly, it is cutting others off, rushing to get to a red light, one guy flipped me off because I was driving with the flow of traffic...I guess the speed limit wasn't fast enough. There really wasn't anywhere to go. Why do they call it rush hour anyway? It lasts way longer than an hour and nobody can rush anywhere. I'll detail these more when I get a few more plates.

    Went to a friend's 40th on the weekend. It was pretty good, although the bar scene is a joke. I'm lucky for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is I don't have to enter that realm of nonsense every weekend. Going to a local pub for a pint is enjoyable, but watching the "hunt and chase" of the singles crowd, although amusing, wouldn't be something I'd be interested in.

    This upcoming weekend is the "RETREAT". A bunch of guys head up to Wasaga for a weekend of golf, basketball, steaks, lobster, beer, and fun. Some of us even do a little Karaoke at the local establishment. It's a good, fun weekend, but tiring. I should be recovered by Tuesday.

    Until next time...

    posted at 6/06/2005 06:02:00 PM by Megadeath

    If you think driving in Canada is bad... Come over to Europe...
    I guess you are not too 'into' blogging anymore? Whatcha going to do with the license plates you've been taking down? Do you keep them to see if you can spot re-offenders? Going to post them for public display?

    It sure is a relief to not have to be into the bar scene on a regular basis, 'eh? I so seldom go, but when I do it is reaffirming how wonderful life is now way past all that.

    So... was the weekend an enjoyable retreat?
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