This game looked promising. The reviews were good and the trailers were tantilizing.
I got it installed and started into it.
The story begins with you as an FBI agent investigating another homicide of a serial killer. You're in a dark downtown building investigating the crime scene with some high tech "CSI" type gizmos to collect evidence.
Things go wrong and you are eventually tagged with the death of two police officers. The rest of the story is you trying to prove your innocence. A plot we've all heard and seen before.

This one, however, is set in dark abandoned buildings, habitated by freaks and drug addicts that would like nothing better than to see your head ripped off on the end of a crowbar.
The gameplay starts off intriguing enough. A combination of melee combat, guns, and the aforementioned evidence gathering gadgets. Two things become obvious pretty quickly. One, the combat is very repetitious. There isn't much variety in how the enemies attack or how you can defeat them.

Two, the game tells you when to use the eveidence tools. That doesn't bode well for those that might want to explore on their own. Yes, the game is very linear in nature. There isn't much room to explore, and for the most part, the direction you have to go is very obvious.

The interaction with the game environment is very limited. You can knock boxes and some objects around, and break glass, but that's about it. There were a number of intense moments and a few parts where I actually was startled. That's a big plus when game can do that. The graphics were pretty good, but nothing ground breaking.

The most effective parts of the gameplay was the way you see blood splatter on a fuzzy view when hit by your enemy and some of the sound effects when you perform a "finishing move" (1 of 4 ways to finish a dazed opponent) on the enemy. It was also pretty cool to be able to pick up all kinds of melee weapons along the way. There were various pipes, and boards with nails and bolts in them. There were also school desktops and the paper cutter blades.

As I was playing I was thinking this game was pretty good for the money. Then I finished it in under 8 hours. My opinion quickly changed. It's barely worth the money only because of the short story line. It really doesn't have any replayability to it. I was left with a feeling of wanting more. I can't wholeheartedly recommend you get this game, but if you don't mind only a few hours of entertainment for the price tag, it will satisfy the gore you may be looking for in an adult game.
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